"I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants."

— Whitney Houston

Saturday, July 7, 2012



dazzling body art

Hello ladies, how do you look body art? i love these cute things that i can just put onto my skin. Today i just decided to glitter myself with some tattoos, for the very first time i tried "Glitz" body art. i want to share with all of you the steps of this dazzling body tattoo, hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

When you unpack your "Glitz" box you are given a set of peel off stencils of some designs you may want to choose from.
Place the chosen stencil on the area you want. Make sure your skin is dry before you stick the stencil onto the skin area.

Use the glue given by "Glitz" packet, and start applying glue onto exposed skin.

 Choose your preferred glitter color and apply it onto glued area.
(for putting different colors look behind packet for steps)

Last but not Least,in approximately in 1-2 minutes peel of the sticky stencil slowly .

... and here are the final tattoos,,, Don't you just LOVE.
Hope you enjoy xx dolls